Amavasyant and Pournimant panchang details are easily available in the appĭaily Panchang including the tithi timings, Nakshatra timings, Shubh Divas (auspicious days) significance of each day in each month Marathi Calendar (Panchang 2019): Best Hindu Calendar. includes all months calendar, Festivals, Holidays, Shub Muhurt - Marriage dates, Vehicle purchase date, House warming / Griha pravesha datesĢ019 Marathi Calendar' : Can easily find the timing and position of Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karna, Sunsign, Moonsign, Rahu Kalam, Gulikai Kalam This free application includes Festivals, Maasam, Vaaram, Dates, Thithi, Nakshatram, Amavshya, Poornima, Rahukal, Panchang, Kundli, Dindarshika, Rashi Bhavishya, Aarti Sangrah. Marathi Calendar 2019 : Best Marathi Calendar 2019. (Shub Muhurt tab has Marriage dates / wedding dates, Namakaran dates, Grih Pravesh dates, Vehicle purchase dates) (Holidays tab has Holiday list 2019 and Festival list 2019) Marathi Panchanga and Horoscope details Shub Muhurt dates of 2019 (Marriage dates, Grih Pravesh dates, Vehicle purchase details, Namakaran dates) Calendar images (From January 2019 - December 2019)

Highly useful 2019 calendar for Marathi speaking people around the globe Contents of the app are in Marathi language.